2021 Campaign Kitchener Centre
Welcome! We are an independent local group advocating proportional representation (PR). To learn a lot more about proportional representation, check out Canada's main campaign for PR: Fair Vote Canada!
During this federal election campaign, we are delivering door hangers in Kitchener Centre. Sign up below.
The door hangers:
remind voters what's wrong with our voting system
point to why we need proportional representation (PR), and
tell voters who the candidates are in Kitchener Centre that are most likely to champion progress on PR in the House of Commons
We are independent of our good friends at Fair Vote Canada, and Fair Vote Canada's Waterloo Region Chapter.
In the 2019 federal election, volunteers delivered an amazing 7500 door hangers in Kitchener Centre!
The local Fair Vote Canada chapter will be active this election doing their door hangers as well! To send a strong message to our politicians and keep electoral reform on the minds of voters, both groups welcome all the help we can get!